Regenerative Ocean Farming & Building Community Resiliency


We foster sustainable seaweed farming operations in partnership with global coastal communities, to enrich local environments and drive economic growth.



We address the needs of those directly impacted by the overfishing crisis. We provide educational training & strategic consulting for nonprofits and coastal organizations who are building community resiliency through small-scale regenerative ocean farming.


Restorative seaweed helps mitigate climate change by absorbing carbon directly from the atmosphere for growth, reducing ocean acidification, and increasing biodiversity. In Belize, seaweed farms are already supporting up to 34 different species of fish and 28 different species of invertebrates.


Sustainable aquaculture is growing the crops of the future. By 2050, there will be 10 billion people on the planet, which means sustainable food production will need to increase by nearly 50 percent. Ocean crops are part of a new wave of climate cuisine. Sea vegetables and shellfish are nutritious, delicious, and restorative.

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